Double-Dare Claire [Companionship Inc., Book III] Read online

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  Walleye Joe gave him the rundown on what he'd been working on and showed him the evidence the accountant had given Claire. “I think we should go have a look around the commissioner's place. What do you say? You up for a little breaking and entering?"

  "I thought you'd never ask."

  They left Derek's car at The Clubhouse and drove the rental to the deceased's house. Derek had apparently kept up his skills on the art of picking a lock and they were inside the house in a matter of minutes. They looked around in the commissioner's desk, on the computer, in drawers—nothing, not one lead.

  Walleye Joe asked, “You think he might've left anything at the office?"

  Derek smiled. “It's worth a try, but let's make sure we haven't left anything uncovered here. You check the bedroom and I'll check that garage out back."

  Joe was just finishing up with the bedroom when Derek walked back in holding an exotic woman by the arm. “Look what I found locked in the garage apartment."

  "Does she speak English?"

  "No, but we are in luck—Vietnamese."

  Derek had been in Special Forces in ‘Nam and he asked her questions. Apparently he wasn't too rusty because she began answering him so quickly she barely took a breath. He looked smug when he turned back to Joe with the info. “She was the commissioner's sex slave."

  "I beg your pardon?"

  "You heard me right. He bought and paid for her lock, stock and barrel. A slave in every sense of the word. You should've seen the kinky sex toys I found up in that garage apartment."

  "So that is why the good ol’ commissioner paid off Rodney Ballinger. Rodney is in the slavery business."

  "Appears so. That's a burgeoning business these days, believe it or not. Billionaires, mansions hidden in vast acreage, iron gates and electric fences, which serve as fortresses..."

  "What are we going to do with the girl?"

  "I thought we could drop her off with Kim, a Vietnamese friend who speaks both Vietnamese and English, on our way to good ol’ Rodney's house. She could stay with her until we are finished with this job and they can talk. Kim may find out some useful information for us."

  "Sounds like a plan. Let's go."

  Joe was quiet, but once the slave girl was out of the car, he mentioned to Derek, “You think they're holding Claire for the same purpose? Do you think they're planning to sell her as a sex slave?"

  "No, I don't because we're going to find her before they can."

  * * * *

  Claire tried to find a way to escape but the windows were barred and the door was solid. It had been hours since the women had left and her stomach growled fiercely. She stopped pacing when she heard the lock click. One of the women brought in a tray filled with bread, cheese and fruit. Claire smiled, grateful for the food.

  The woman left again and Claire sat down and ate. The food was divine, but the tea tasted a little funny to her. Once her stomach was full, she felt sleepy and laid on the bed to relax. The next thing she knew it was dark in the room and she felt a finger on her cheek and lips.

  A voice whispered to her, “You are very beautiful. I would love to keep you and train you for myself, but it cannot be.” Leaning down he gave her a kiss.

  Claire tried to lift her arms to push him away, but for some reason, they would not move. Her body felt like lead.

  After he broke the kiss, Rodney told one of the giants in the room to bind her. One placed cuffs on her arms and the other bound her feet.

  She felt groggy and disoriented. The giants held onto her as Rodney inspected her body like he was buying a car. “It is time. Take her to the auction."

  Auction? She was going to an auction?

  The giants held on to each arm and lifted her off the floor as they physically carried her down the hall. They led her to a room full of men of all races and ages. Placing her on a pedestal in the middle of the room, the giants told her to stay.

  Rodney stood beside her and explained her fate. She was to be auctioned off as a sex slave to the highest bidder

  "Wait a damn minute. You can't do—” She didn't finish her tirade before someone slipped a gag over her mouth from behind.

  "As you see men, she will be quite a challenge to tame. But the results will be worth the effort. Who will make the starting bid of one hundred thousand dollars?"

  * * * *

  Joe and Derek drove to Rodney Ballinger's residence and took note of the number of expensive limousines in the drive.

  "Looks like somebody's having a party,” Derek commented.

  "Or a slave auction. You up for crashing a party, Derek?"

  "Couldn't be a better day for it."

  They stared at each other for a moment then parked the car on the street. Together in silent, lithe movements, they skirted around the side of the building to get a closer look. Standing on a platform in front of a room full of men stood Claire trussed up like a Christmas turkey.

  "The man standing beside the woman is Rodney Ballinger, the owner of Fry Hatchery,” Derek told Walleye Joe.

  "I'll kill him later. We'll hold off until we see which man buys her. Then we'll move in for the rescue—and kill."

  Derek nodded and they both witnessed the ultimate degradation of women sold into sexual slavery, something neither one of them would believe if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

  * * * *

  Claire had to stand on display for these men and listen to the bidding. She tried to run, but one of the giants held her in place and the bindings were too tight.

  "Three-hundred thousand."

  "Do I hear five?"


  A fat, sweaty, bald man in the front row yelled out, “Six-hundred thousand dollars."

  Claire scanned the room to see if anyone looked like they planned to bid higher, but the auctioneer said, “Going once. Going twice. Sold to the man in the front row for six-hundred thousand dollars."

  Now she had no doubt what a human was worth. She closed her eyes and hung her head. Tears slid down her cheeks as she tried to come to grips with reality—her fate.

  Claire was lifted off the pedestal and led behind the waddling man to his limo outside. The giants started to remove her binds, but her new master spoke. “No. Leave them on. I like them bound and submissive."

  The giants nodded and placed her in the car. She couldn't sit up straight with her hands bound so she turned sideways in the seat with her knees together and as far away from the man as possible. Only he had other plans. He scooted over to her, cramming her into the corner of the car and running his pudgy fingers up her legs.

  Claire could actually feel her skin crawl, trying desperately to get away from his touch. When he had worked his way up to the top of her inner thigh, she tried to kick him.

  Slapping her, he said, “I would not try that again, angel. As you see, you cannot win. Just relax and enjoy."

  She cursed him through her gag and squirmed in her seat. Suddenly the car swerved and brakes slammed, throwing her onto the floorboards. The fat man lay sprawled on the seat when the car came to a screeching halt. The driver and passenger doors were flung open and the men sitting in the seats jerked out of the car. The fat man yelled for his bodyguards. His door was thrown open. Claire watched as a huge black man lifted the fat man out of the car and busted him right in his middle. The fat man hit the concrete hard.

  Then her door opened and she heard the most beautiful voice of any human being as Walleye Joe said, “Claire, baby, don't be afraid. It's me, Joe. Here, let me help you out of the car."

  He lifted Claire out and helped her to her feet. As he released her bonds, she looked at the bodyguard on the ground—out cold and tied up like a steer in a rodeo.

  She smiled for the first time since the whole ordeal had begun. Once her restraints were off she fell into Walleye Joe's arms, kissing him with all the love and tenderness she possessed.

  "I was so worried, Claire. And I missed you,” Walleye Joe said, holding her tight.

  "I missed you,
too. I knew you'd find me. I just knew."

  Derek walked around the front of the car, “Hey, guys, we better get a move on."

  "Claire, I'd like you to meet Derek an old friend of mine."

  "Old? Speak for yourself,” Derek said. “Joe has been a friend for a long time. I'm glad we found you."

  "Thanks so much for saving me.” Claire stood on tiptoes and gave the man a kiss on the cheek.

  Smiling, Derek said, “You're quite welcome. Anytime for a kiss like that."

  Walleye Joe drove Derek back to his car at The Clubhouse then took Claire to a nice hotel. He ordered food and champagne brought to the room. While they waited for the food, Claire told Walleye-Joe to take his shower first. She wanted a nice warm bath and planned to soak as long as it took to get the feel of the fat man's sweaty hands off of her body.

  While he was finishing with his shower and shave, the food arrived and they sat down to eat. Claire teased him with her food, enjoying making eating an erotic affair.

  "Claire, I'm going to give Sam a quick call and let him know you're okay. He's been really worried, along with the rest of us."

  After the quick call, Joe said, “Now this is what I call a true culinary delight,” savoring his last bit of shrimp. “This shrimp is the best—semi-orgasmic, I might add."

  As he finished up, she grinned, stuck out her tongue and headed to the bathroom to take her soak in the bath.

  Emerging for the bathroom she had on her belly-dancing garb with the swaying scarves that went along with the outfit. Well, at least she got one thing out of the ordeal—a to-die-for-belly-dancing-outfit—one she'd never be able to afford on her salary. Joe lay propped up on the pillows watching television. She moved between the television and his line of vision and began a belly dancing routine she made up as she went along.

  She enjoyed the glow of appreciation in his eyes as he watched her sway and gyrate. When the dance was over, she crawled up between his legs, kissing as she went. Then she leaned over, popping the cork on the bottle of chilled Dom Perignon that room service had delivered.

  Claire took the scarves and tied Joe's hands and feet to the bedposts, then poured the bubbly liquid into the flutes. Moving one glass up to his lips, she poured some into his mouth.

  "Ummmhhh,” he said. “That's good. More."

  Claire grabbed a grape off the food tray and dropped it in his mouth. She took a sip of champagne from her flute and held it in her mouth, swallowing most of it but leaving a nice residue on her tongue. Leaning forward to kiss him, she sent the exotic flavor straight into his mouth, her tongue tangoing with his. Joe loved her style, always keeping him off guard. With Claire, one could always expect the unexpected, but know whatever the outcome, would be pure unadulterated fun. He swallowed it and groaned with pleasure. “What did I do to deserve this, sweetheart?"

  "Just by being you, honey. Just by being you."

  She poured a drop of bubbly on each of his nipples, then sucked off the wetness, loving the feel of them hardening in her mouth, just like his penis. Then she tipped the flute and made a trail all the way down the middle of his chest, licking it off as she went. The champagne pooled in his belly button, which she slowly sucked and licked, enjoying the tensing of his stomach muscles. Tipping the flask over his penis, she placed a few drops on the head, then she set the flute on the night table before she sucked the champagne from his cock.

  "Oh, Claire, that feels wonderful. Don't stop, baby. Please don't stop."

  Claire took the length of him into her mouth, deeply sucking his rod into her throat. He writhed, trying to pull his hands loose from the scarves, but they didn't budge. She moved on top of him, rotating her pelvis in slow rhythmic circles, the kind he loved. Then she slid onto his enormous dick, and with him inside her, she leaned back, stretching and releasing all her muscles as she rose up and slid down.

  She reached for the champagne bottle, cupped her hand and filled it with champagne, splashing it on the base of his penis and balls.

  Joe laughed. “Oh, my God, you're tantalizing me, woman. I'm so close. I'm coming soon. Get ready, baby."

  The bed creaked and groaned as she increased her pounding, loving the feel of him deep and full inside of her. She felt his muscles tighten under her as he yelled out, thrusting into her as she drove onto him faster, tightening her muscles around him with her orgasmic paroxysms. “Yes, Joe, I'm coming with you. Now, baby. Now!"

  * * * *

  They lay in each other arms enjoying the sated utopia. “I'll need to file charges with the police,” Claire said.

  "Yes, sweetheart, you will, but I'm with you every step of the way.” Then he turned and whispered in her ear, “I love you, Claire O'Malley."

  "I love you, too, Walleye Joe Holek. But you know what I don't love?"

  "What's that?"

  "Your name. Can I just call you Joe?"

  "I'd prefer you called me Justin."


  "That's my real name. Once I quit the agency, I changed my name for protection. Walleye Joe seemed as good as anything I could come up with."

  "Justin ... I like it."

  Justin kissed Claire on the forehead and looked deep into her eyes. “I'd like to go back to the agency. Would you mind?"

  Claire gave him one of her most brilliant smiles. “If that is what you want to do, I'd never hold you back. And now that I've been a victim, I'd like to know you're out there helping other people like you did me."

  "Thank you, sweetheart. For making my life complete."

  "You, too. Oh, by the way, do you like hockey? I just happen to have two season tickets."

  Velvet Veers

  Velvet Veers divides her time between homes in Texas, Louisiana, and Minnesota. She has been writing for ten years, has published three books under different pen names, and written two screenplays, one of which has been optioned by a major independent film production company. She has contracted three separate trilogies of e-novellas for Amber Quill Press's “Amber Heat” imprint: Companionship, Inc., Virtual Fantasy, Inc., and Road Warriors, Inc. A new title will appear each month, beginning in June 2003!

  Velvet has undergraduate degrees in business and psychology and a master degree in counseling. She loves to read, run, ride Gold-Wing motorcycles, snow ski, travel and write. She has six children, three dogs and two cats.

  She loves to hear from her readers, so please visit her web site at:


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