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Hearts Afire [Companionship Inc., Book II] Page 5

  It made Richard think of another time when he had experienced the same scene with her sister and a sense of alarm ran over him.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Richard paced the length of his office and back, scowling at everyone unlucky enough to be within eyeshot. She still hasn't called! Why?

  He'd left her a note. Hadn't he fixed her car window just like he promised? No doubt about it, he had definitely satisfied her sexually. He didn't get it.

  Erica just didn't seem like the one-night-stand kind of girl. Well, to hell with this! He'd just go over to her place and get this cleared up once and for all. Was she with him or not? Richard wasn't into games after all the years with Alana, and if Erica was into playing games, he was gone yesterday.

  Richard's heart pounded as he knocked on the door and waited. An older woman came to the door, opening it a crack.

  "Hello. Can I help you?” she asked.

  "Hi, I'm Richard Wakefield. Is Erica home?"

  "No, I am sorry, she's out."

  Frustrated Richard grouched, “When will she be home?"

  "Well, I'm not real sure. The doctor at the hospital told us it would be sometime today or the next day. I definitely hope it'll be today because I have to work the afternoon shift and I can't watch Charlie for her—"

  "Excuse me, but did you say hospital?"

  "Yes, she had an automobile accident yesterday and they kept her overnight for observation."

  Fighting to keep a taut grip on his emotions, Richard asked, “What hospital?"

  "Oh, the Fairview. Room Five-O-Four."

  "Thank you."

  "You're welcome, dear."

  Richard stopped at the hospital florist and picked up a plant before heading to Erica's room. He still couldn't believe this had happened. Panic consumed him, bringing back memories of another time, another accident.

  He had to see Erica to make sure she was okay—to touch her and reassure himself that blood still pumped through her veins.

  After knocking on the door, he heard a muffled, “Come in."

  Once inside the room, he could see Erica had been crying. His heart lurched as he set the plant on the cabinet and walked over to her bedside. Taking her hand, he asked, “Baby, what's wrong? Do you hurt?"

  He saw a little smile appear on her face while she swiped at the tears streaming down her face. “Richard, I'm so happy to see you. Thank you for the lovely plant."

  Richard took her face in his hands and gave her a gentle kiss. “Please, tell me why you're crying."

  Tears welled up in her eyes again. “I feel fine, but they won't let me out of here unless they can release me into someone's care. Mrs. Pentrose has to go to work and I don't have anyone else. So here I am—well, healthy and stuck!"

  "You can start getting dressed. They can release you into my care. I'll go to the nurses’ station and fill out the paperwork while you get your stuff together."

  "No, I couldn't possible impose on you. There's Charlie to take care of, too. It's just too much to ask."

  "No, is not an option. After I get you settled in, I'll pick Charlie up and make sure he's taken care of. Get dressed."

  Once the papers were signed and they were on the way, Richard said, “I hope you don't mind, but I need you and Charlie to stay at my house. I'll need to do some work and I have the computer and all at home."

  "No, that's fine with me. I just don't want to impose."

  "Erica, don't worry about me. My housekeeper will be there this afternoon and we'll figure out the logistics then. Not to worry. Okay?"

  "Okay.” Concerned, but unable to do anything about it, she decided to roll with the punches.

  "I hate to bring up this subject now but how did your accident happen?"

  Erica sighed. “Someone ran me off the road."

  "Did you get a look at the car?"

  "No. I saw a white car with a woman behind the wheel. Long, dark hair and sunglasses is all I remember."

  "Did you get a look at the car?"

  "Well, it was a big car and it was white—a late model. Maybe Buick or Mercury. I'm sorry. I know I'm not much help. It all happened so fast."

  "I understand. Try not to worry.” Richard reached over and gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Let's get you settled in at my place."

  Erica laid her head back on the headrest and closed her eyes.

  When Richard pulled up to his house, Erica looked so beautiful and serene that he hated to wake her up. He leaned over and gently kissed her on the temple, “Sweetheart, wake up. We're home.” God, that sounds good—we're home.

  * * * *

  Erica woke up to the wonderful wood and glass home that overlooked a private lake. Birds chirped, squirrels scampered, and the sun glistened like tiny diamonds on the placid water. What a retreat. She thought she'd died and gone to heaven. “Your home is beautiful."

  "Thanks. Let me show you to your room. I hope this will be comfortable for you. It has a connecting bathroom and the room it adjoins will be Charlie's."

  "This is perfect. Thank you, Richard."

  "Would you like to lie down and rest or soak in the hot tub for awhile?"

  "First, I'd like to call Charlie and Mrs. Pentrose to tell them I've left the hospital and the phone number here. I'll let her know you'll be coming to get Charlie this afternoon so she can go to work. When I finish the call, I think the hot tub sounds heavenly, but I don't have a suit."

  Richard grinned. “You don't need one. It's secluded. There's a robe you can wear on the back of the door. That's all you'll need."

  "Will you be joining me?"

  "Oh, yeah. I'm sure you'll need help getting in and out. After all, I am your designated caretaker.” He winked at her. “Hospital rules. I'll meet you in the kitchen."

  * * * *

  The hot tub felt glorious and helped soothe her aching muscles. This was a first for her to be in a hot tub nude. Erica decided it was a very sensual experience.

  Richard had his arms propped up on the side of the tub with his head laid back, eyes closed and his body stretched out in front of him. He looked much too comfortable and oblivious to her. Erica hoped to change that. She ran her feet along the outside of his legs, enjoying the muscular rippling, and sinewy feel of them.

  Her eyes closed and she allowed herself the luxury of savoring the experience of his presence. She slid her foot along the inside of his legs and up into his lap. Her eyes snapped open when she felt his hard penis with her foot. He gave her a smoldering sexual look, igniting her flame as she rubbed her foot along his smooth, solid shaft, curling her toes around the tip of it.

  Groaning with pleasure, he grabbed her foot and pulled her into his lap, her crotch settling between his thighs. The orbs of her breast floated on top of the bubbles, defying gravity's insistent pull. He grabbed them both and lowered his head to alternate sucking on the nipples.

  She couldn't remember anything feeling so good and right. Wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer to her, she allowed the rush of desire to consume her. He kissed his way up her neck and took possession of her mouth while pulling her thighs to rest firmly on his.

  He turned her body to position it so the jet streams poured against her crotch. Moving up behind her, he spread her labia, letting the strong pulses of the water wash over her clit like sensual kisses. He probed her vagina from behind with his finger, entering her tight canal slowly. Her body reached a peak quickly, the orgasm ripping over her like a tidal wave.

  Richard was determined she would come again, and again, and again, each wave of orgasm paving the way for a stronger one. He'd satisfy Erica in ways she'd never dreamed of. Her fulfillment was more important to him than his own and he was determined to do it right.

  * * * *

  With a slow, guttural moan, Erica clung to him, sliding herself against his rigid, pulsing flesh while the jet streams of hot water pulsed into her from behind. His hand maneuvered its way up her inner thigh, and she spread her legs for him
. His finger massaged her clit and she felt it swell, making her moan even louder. She broke the kiss off and whispered in his ear, “Take me now."

  She could hear his manly growl and feel him navigating his manhood between her thighs to her entrance. His thrust seated him all the way inside her and she lost her breath for a moment.

  The pleasure overwhelmed her as he began to move his hips, thrusting in and out. Erica was aware of the water lapping around them and the feel of him pounding her, but she was oblivious to the rest of the world. This felt so good and so right with this man she hardly knew, but in his presence, she felt more at home than anywhere she'd resided until now. She'd been waiting for him in her life since the day she was born. She just didn't know it until now.

  The heat built between them and an explosive organism ripped through her at the same time he ground into her for his final release.

  Time stood still as they sat in the hot tub wrapped in each other's arms, enjoying the aftermath of rapture. Richard nipped her bottom lip, then kissed her possessively, his tongue exploring every millimeter of her mouth.

  "Maybe we better get out of the hot tub before we turn into prunes,” she suggested.

  He moved out of the hot tub swiftly and Erica enjoyed watching his body move, his muscles rippling as the steam rose from it, his penis dangling unselfconsciously from his spent effort. He covered himself in a robe and stood waiting for her with a robe in his hands, wrapping it around her protectively as she emerged.

  On her way to the bedroom she yawned, and Richard suggested she take a little nap. He would go pick up Charlie. He'd already called Carmen, the housekeeper, to insure she planned on coming and to tell her about his houseguest.


  Some time later Erica awoke to a noise in the bathroom. She assumed the housekeeper was cleaning it and went to investigate.

  "Carmen, is that you?"

  A woman with shoulder-length black hair and red ruby lips emerged from the bathroom and smiled. She seemed familiar, but Erica knew she'd never met this person before. Erica felt the hair stand up on the back of her neck. The smile looked vicious—not a friendly smile at all.

  In a deep voice, the woman said, “Ah ... so we meet again."

  "Excuse me? Have we met?"

  "Not officially. Something has come up and Richard wanted me to take you to meet him for lunch. Please get dressed."

  "Oh, well, okay. It'll only take me a few minutes."

  * * * *

  Richard stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few things he knew they'd need, and drove to Erica's apartment. Mrs. Pentrose would need to leave for work soon and he didn't want to make her wait. He was thankful she'd been so good to Erica and Charlie, but from now on, they had him to count on. How odd he could care so deeply for someone he'd just met. Richard had never had this type of feeling or experience before. He felt a sudden prickle of fear. Maybe he liked it too much.

  What if Erica doesn't feel the same way?

  Would he be in agony for the rest of his life?

  Taking his cell phone out of his pocket, he called Dustin. “Hey, man, I need your help."

  Dustin laughed. “Again?"

  "Do you know when I mentioned that dating worried me because of how unstable Rachel can be?"

  "Yeah, so?"

  "Well, I've been seeing someone, and in the last two days, we both had our windshields knocked out and Erica was run off the road yesterday."

  "My God, was she hurt?"

  "Yeah, but not too badly. She's recovering at my house for a while, but I need you to check and see if Rachel, or her husband, Carlton, have a luxury type white car."

  "Will do."

  * * * *

  Mrs. Pentrose opened the apartment door to let Richard in. Suitcases were stacked in the hallway. Nodding toward them, she explained, “I thought they might need a few things, so I took the liberty of packing."

  "Thank you. That was very kind of you. Is Charlie ready to go?"

  Just then, Charlie whirled down the hallway. Richard stood there speechless. No one had ever mentioned Charlie was in a wheelchair. Not that it mattered one way or another. Richard's heart swelled with admiration for Erica, for her devotion to her son and her ability to tackle seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

  "Hi,” Charlie said to Richard, just like he'd known him all his life. “You must be Momma's friend, Richard. I'm Charlie.” Charlie held out his hand to shake Richard's.

  Richard squatted down in front of him, shaking Charlie's hand. “Hi yourself, Charlie. Yes, I'm Richard, a friend of your Momma's. You and your mother are going to stay a few days at my house while she recuperates. She asked me to come get you."

  Charlie's face brightened. “Have you got a dog?"

  Laughing, Richard stood up, “No. Sorry, buddy."

  Richard picked up the suitcases and took them out to the car, Charlie fast on his heels behind him in his wheelchair. Richard lifted him into the backseat and buckled him up. Mrs. Pentrose folded the wheelchair and handed it to Richard to put in the trunk. She stood by the car and wished Charlie good-bye, waving as they drove off.

  Charlie kept up a stream of questions all the way to Richard's house. His active, intelligent mind certainly compensated for his inability to walk. What a character, Richard thought.

  Once at his house, Richard unloaded the wheelchair, and lifted Charlie out of the car. The housekeeper, Carmen, met Richard at the door breathlessly speaking Spanish so rapidly Richard couldn't comprehend a word she was saying. Richard turned to Charlie. “Wait here."

  Carmen grabbed him by the arm and began pulling him toward the bathroom.

  Oh, God, don't let it be Erica, he thought. He looked around, seeing no sign of Erica anywhere. He broke out in a cold sweat, his heart pounding rapidly as he ran toward the bathroom.

  Still babbling in Spanish, Carmen pointed to the mirror, her face crimson and the veins protruding from her neck.

  Written in red lipstick on the mirror was a cryptic message. The money or the girl? Your choice. A picture of a cake with candles was drawn in one corner as if to symbolize you can't have your cake and eat it, too.

  Stunned and horrified, Richard ran into Erica's room. It was empty. He searched every nook and cranny of the house and grounds for her, knowing all the while that it was fruitless. Instinctively he knew he wouldn't find her there, but he had to exhaust all efforts, just in case.

  Richard spotted Charlie sitting quietly by the door, his face white as snow, his eyes troubled, fearful. He had to tell him something. “You know, it looks to me like your Momma got to feeling so good, she decided to take a little walk. She'll return to us soon. Why don't we go find you something to watch on television and Carmen will make our lunch. How does that sound?"

  Charlie stared at Richard for a long time, then his features visibly relaxed. “Good."

  Richard turned on some cartoons for the boy and went back in the kitchen to call Dustin. “You aren't going to believe this. Rachel has kidnapped Erica. I know it. I feel it in my gut and all the evidence points to that."

  "Are you sure? That sounds a bit extreme to me. Why would Rachel kidnap Erica? What would be her motive?"

  "Rachel is motivated by money and money alone. If my theory is correct, we should be receiving a phone call any minute for ransom money."

  He told Dustin the whole story with Dustin interrupting every few minutes to ask a question. They agreed the authorities should be notified and that Richard should stay home and wait for the ransom call. The police put a trace on Richard's phone lines then went to question Rachel.

  Dustin called Richard when the authorities contacted him with the results of their interrogation of Rachel. “You're not going to believe this, bud. Rachel has an airtight alibi for the kidnapping. But she confessed to breaking the windshields and running Erica off the road. It seems she has a crush on you and wanted to take the competition out of the picture."

  If not Rachel, who could the kidnapper be? He'd been so certa
in it was Rachel.

  * * * *

  Erica sat on a double bed in a seedy motel with her legs pulled up to her chest, her arms wrapped around them in a protective stance. The two kidnapers stood in the room discussing their plans to collect the ransom. Something sounded funny in the voice inflection of the woman with the long dark hair—deeper and gravelly. She'd smoked more than her share of cigarettes, Erica guessed.

  What she couldn't understand was why the kidnapers would think Richard would bother to pay a ransom for someone he barely knew. It wasn't like they had a long-standing relationship or she was his wife. What would they do to her when he wouldn't pay?

  She heard one of them say, “Make the call now."

  The one with the long brown hair, the one who had taken her from Richard's home, picked up the phone and dialed. “Give me the inheritance—the whole enchilada. No police. You know the routine. If we see any, we'll kill her. Put the money in a briefcase and bring it to the airport at gate 5B at exactly seven-thirty tonight. Sit down for a few moments, then walk away and leave the briefcase. We'll be watching, so don't screw this up.

  The kidnapper hit the speaker button.

  "I'll do exactly what you say, but first let me talk to her. I need to know she's still alive."

  The kidnapper grabbed Erica by the hair and jerked her closer to the phone. “Hello, Richard?"

  "Hey, sweetheart, please don't worry. I'll get you out of this."

  "How's Charlie?” Erica choked back a sob.

  "Fine. He's watching Mrs. Doubtfire right now. Not to worry. He's a great kid, Erica."

  "Satisfied?” the kidnapper interrupted.

  "Yeah. I'll be there with the money. If you hurt her, I'll make it my mission in life to hunt you down. And I promise you'll end up in a ditch somewhere."

  The kidnapper hung up the phone laughing. “Now we're going to have a little fun. Let's just party a bit—things have gotten way too serious. Don't worry, Erica. We're not going to hurt you. We're not planning to touch you. We'd just like an appreciative audience. Ever watch an x-rated movie?"