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Hearts Afire [Companionship Inc., Book II] Page 3

  She excused herself and went to the ladies room. When she stepped up to the sink to wash her hands, Erica noticed a dark-headed, gypsy looking woman leaning against the wall, watching her. Trying not to be self-conscious, Erica gave a courtesy nod and continued drying her hands.

  The woman spoke to her. “The man you're with tonight. How well do you know him?"

  Erica looked at her, puzzled, and a prickle of fear ran up her neck making the hairs stand on end. “Well enough, I suppose. Why do you ask?"

  "Did you know he killed his wife?"

  "No. Are you sure you have the right man?” Erica suddenly felt like fleeing. She didn't want to go where this conversation was leading.

  "Absolutely. His wife was my sister. Do yourself a favor and lose him."

  "Thanks for the warning."

  Erica exited the ladies room, trying to get as far away from the horrible woman as possible. Erica didn't know her game, but she did know Richard wasn't a killer. Her gut instincts told her that. Before going on this assignment the office had told her Richard had lost his wife recently from a long illness.

  Why would that woman tell me he killed her?

  Richard leaned in close to her and made her jump when he whispered in her ear, “What are you thinking so hard about?"


  He smiled and showed his perfect white teeth. “Anything you'd like to share?"

  "I had a visitor in the bathroom. It was a little unsettling, to say the least."

  Richard immediately stiffened. “Who was it? Anyone you knew?"

  "No. It was someone who knew you. She told me you killed your wife."

  "My God!” He raked his hand through his hair in a nervous gesture. “Did she tell you her name?"

  "No. She just said she was your wife's sister."

  "Damn it to hell. Sorry. I can explain this. Why don't we step outside in the hall?"

  She hesitated for just a moment then led the way. He directed her to a little alcove with a love seat just outside the door. Erica sat down and waited for him. He paced the floor nervously, his face pale and drawn. Suddenly, he looked ten years older than he had when she first met him, not more than a few minutes ago.

  "I caught my wife with another man and asked her for a divorce. She went nuts, jumped in her car and floored the accelerator. She hit an embankment. For six months she was paralyzed and suffered from head trauma. She never fully regained consciousness. She never spoke a word and probably didn't recognize anybody. The machines kept her alive.

  "I had to make the decision to turn them off. That's why Rachel said I murdered Alana. In Rachel's eyes, if I hadn't asked her sister for a divorce, she never would've gotten angry enough to wreck her car and die as a result of the injuries."

  "But that doesn't make any sense. You weren't even in the car! Alana was responsible for the way she reacted to your asking her for a divorce—not you."

  "In Rachel's way of thinking, I should've stopped Alana or never asked for the divorce. I don't know.” He ran his hand through his hair again. Sitting close beside her, he looked directly in her eyes. “I swear I did not kill my wife."

  "I believe you.” For an unsettling moment they were so aware of each other the air crackled around them.

  He moved in close and whispered, “I think you really mean that,” and he spontaneously kissed her waiting mouth.

  Her lips were so soft, warm, and wet, responding to him in a way that let him know she wanted more. She opened her lips for him and he invaded her mouth with his tongue. Sensations of heat soared through his body, pooling at his groin. He shifted, placing his hands on each side of her face and spread his fingers through her hair.

  Richard lightly kissed her lips, then plunged back into the recesses, enjoying the way she tasted and the feel of her tongue sliding over his. Who would've believed she could create this heat in him? Especially after his last attempt at romance. Erica seemed so different from the type he usually gravitated toward. He liked tall, long-legged blondes. Erica was short, athletic, with short bouncing black hair.

  But she kissed like the sexual siren her voice promised. He couldn't get enough of her mouth, her tongue tangoing with his. He was tempted to kiss her all over, right there in the wide open.

  Moving away from her luscious mouth, he moved to her ear, nibbled on the lobe, cruised down her neck, and gently planted tiny kisses along the way. She moaned softly and her hands ran through his hair and pulled him closer still. Thoughts of where they were and Companionship, Inc.'s rules were the last thing on his mind right now. He kissed his way back up her neck to her mouth, rubbed his lips lightly across hers then mated with her tongue again.

  Someone standing close cleared his throat and Richard slipped from the haze that enveloped him. He pulled back from those ruby, puffed lips and looked at the man standing just at the alcove entrance.

  "Mr. Wakefield, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have a message for you.” He extended his hand with a folded piece of paper in it.

  Richard reached for it and thanked the man at the same time. Puzzled as to why someone would send him a note, he carefully unfolded the paper and read the words. Is she the reason you killed my sister?

  Richard crunched the note in his fist and stuffed it in his pants pocket.

  "What is it? Is everything okay?” Erica asked, an expression of concern creasing her forehead.

  "It's nothing. Let's go back inside."

  Damn, he'd warned Dustin something like this would happen if he started dating. Rachel was capable of just about anything. The woman wasn't stable. And Richard had a gut instinct Rachel had been following him. Now he knew the truth of it.

  When the banquet ended, Richard insisted on walking Erica to her car. The parking garage, although lighted, still was not safe for a woman alone this time of night.

  * * * *

  Walking to the car in silence, Erica warred with herself on the best way to approach the subject of Richard spending the night with her. After three years, she'd made up her mind this was the man with whom she wanted to break her long stretch of celibacy.

  Erica took her electronic car door opener from her purse and clicked open the lock. She opened the door and put her purse on the seat. Turning, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him toward her.

  "I had a wonderful time tonight. I really don't want it to end. How about you?” She leaned into him and took a gentle little nip on his lower lip, then ran her tongue over it. She kissed him, plunging her tongue into his mouth, caressing his with hers.

  Erica heard him moan and move his body closer, forcing her back against the car door. She could feel his erection through her gown and it felt unbelievably hard and big. Unable to hold herself back, her lower body saddled up close to his groin and she wiggled just a little. Lust surged through her and she wanted to take him right here in the backseat of her car.

  Rubbing her breast on his chest, lightning desire struck down all the way to her womb and it was all she could do not to grind herself into his erection. Pulling away from their kiss, she spoke with a low panting breath, “Richard, will you come home with me?"

  "Hell, yeah. I'll follow you."


  Could he do it? The drive over to her house made him doubt his ability to keep his erection. What if the same thing happened tonight as it had with Darlene? The humiliation would kill him he knew. Maybe he should just drive away and never see her again. But he just couldn't do it. He wanted this woman. It felt like fifty years since he'd felt this kind of intense attraction. Richard felt like an adolescent on testosterone overload.

  He was confident everything would be fine since he still sported a hard-on, even though he'd been away from Erica now for around fifteen minutes. He couldn't believe his luck. She was the most exciting and titillating woman he'd ever known. Every part of him sizzled with electrifying sensations. Just talking to her tonight made him want to jump her, not to speak of how he felt when he looked at her svelte, athletic body.

nbsp; Richard wanted nothing more than to make long, slow, sweet love to this woman all night long. He imagined watching her scream with her orgasmic pleasure, making her feel like no other man had ever made her feel. Tonight he would have the opportunity of a lifetime.

  Erica lived in a gated community and she punched the numbers. They both went through the massive iron gate when it opened. Parking and going to her apartment didn't seem awkward in the least with Erica, but stimulated him with anticipation as he watched those tight hips sway toward the door. He took the key from her hand in a gallant show of old-fashioned chivalry, looking around to make sure they hadn't been followed. She laughed her low seductive way that made his heart beat like a freight train and his penis grow harder.

  "Don't worry, this is a gated community with security guards. Nobody could have followed us in,” she said, grabbing his arm.

  Richard opened the door for Erica and followed her in, shutting it behind him. She stood there with her sultry, inviting smile, almost daring him into his next move. He pulled her into him then backed her against the door, accepting her invitation with a long, hard, penetrating kiss of his own. He languished in the taste of her raw sensual pleasure. He could taste her desire as she pressed herself against his erection.

  God, she feels good!

  Erica raked her fingernails along the length of his spine and up into his hair, pulling on it ever so slightly. He assured himself this was going to be a night to remember—the slower the better.

  The tug of his shirttail coming out of his pants signaled to him she'd upped the invitation's ante. She, without a doubt, was ready to take the preliminaries a step further. With a full bill of confidence, Richard took on the role of aggressor. He pulled her dress off her shoulders and slid it down to her hips where it fell in a puddle on the floor. Swinging her into his arms, he asked, “Where's your room?"

  "First door to the left,” she replied without protest.

  She definitely had a feminine touch in her choice of bedroom décor. A flowered bedspread and lacy pillows covered the four-poster bed, and soft lamplight gave the room a sentiment all its own.

  Richard laid her gently in the middle of the bed, and stood to look at her. “You are so beautiful and sexy."

  Demurely she said, “Thank you. You're not so bad yourself."

  He quickly unbuttoned his shirt and took off his shoes at the same time, then unbuckled his pants and pulled them off with his underwear. He watched her eyes as she drank him in and her look of appreciation excited him even more.

  * * * *

  When Richard finally crawled into bed with her, Erica enfolded him in her arms and began her slow exploration of his neck with her mouth. On fire now and ready to move full throttle, Erica moved down to his chest, taking each of his nipples between her teeth and giving them each a little soft bite. She felt his stomach and penis tighten, and smiled as she traveled downward, drinking in his full musky maleness.

  Erica watched his stomach muscles clench and his breathing grow harder the lower she moved. Taking his massive staff in her hands, she circled her tongue around the head then took him in her mouth, savoring the splendid taste and tension. She'd forgotten this wonderful feeling—something so hard, but so soft and full. She wanted his fullness to expand in her mouth, just as it would expand and fill her later, pressing with need against her inner organs in a heat all of their own.

  Richard carried the manly musk taste and scent, with a signature all his own. Enraptured with the pleasure of her actions and the pleasure she gave to him, Erica wanted nothing more than to slow down and make this last infinitely.

  Taking charge and climbing on top of him, she moved her thong panties to the side and started to lower herself when she felt him wither. Her eyes snapped open to see the hurt and horror on his face. Richard closed his eyes and a look of agony contorted his face.

  Lying down flat on top of him where he couldn't turn away from her, she asked, “Has this happened to you before?"

  Richard's eyes were still closed as he answered in a low, strained voice. “Yes. Once before. I don't understand. I wanted you more than I've ever wanted any other woman in my life. I've been anticipating this all evening. I felt so turned on—only to have myself shrivel to the size of a cocktail frank."

  Erica thought about the situation for a moment, not wanting to make him feel any worse than he did, but knowing that keeping the lines of communication open was essential for any future relationship—or at least for any chance for one to develop.

  "Richard, look at me,” Erica said gently. Once he opened his eyes, she asked, “Had this ever happened to you before your wife's accident?"

  "No,” Richard said bluntly.

  "I think I have a solution for us if you are willing to take a chance."

  "I really don't know what you can do about this. It's my problem, but I'm willing. What do you have in mind?"

  "First of all, let's talk. I know that's the last thing you want to hear, but it's crucial for us to talk before we act. Consider it part of your therapeutic repertoire."

  Richard laughed. “Oh, what a night. The evening starts out with you as my lover and ends up with you as my sex therapist."

  Erica smiled. “It's not really so odd. After all, I'll end up reaping the benefits, too."

  Propping himself up on his elbow, Richard said. “So what are your credentials, doc? I don't see a certificate on your bedroom wall."

  Erica laughed, mirroring him with an elbow prop. “Actually, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I have my master's degree in clinical psychology. I was almost finished with my internship when Charlie was born with cerebral palsy and I had to quit so I could care for him fulltime. My specialty was sexual dysfunction. So there you go."

  "So now you spend your time scouting willing victims so you can maintain your clinical skills."

  Erica hit his face with a pillow. “No, Mr. Wakefield. I don't have time to scout potential patients. But obviously, Houston, we have a problem. And I have some suggestions on how we can fix it."

  Richard spread himself out on the bed. “In the name of science and the sexual future and procreation of all mankind, I am totally at your disposal Dr. Erica McClure.” His tone didn't belie the sarcasm. “Boy, I should consider myself a VIP—very important patient. Instead of a standard, mildewed old couch to free associate on, I get a bed. Lucky me."

  Erica drew the back of her hand out to rub his chest, personalizing and sensualizing the next part of the experiment. “Okay, moving right along, now that you're in position. From everything you told me, you obviously feel some sense of responsibility for your deceased wife's death. Let's talk about that."

  "I know it's not rational. It's a man thing. I feel like I'm supposed to be able to fix everything. When I can't, I feel like I'm less of a man."

  Erica said, “We need to examine a philosophy that neither you nor any other male can possibly live up to. It's self-defeating and will bite you in the butt if you don't examine it closely, then purge yourself.” She leaned over and planted tiny kisses on his chest.

  "You're absolutely right. You've given me permission to purge. And guess what, honey? It's gone!"

  "Piece of cake! You're the perfect patient,” Erica said. “Now on a little touchier ground. Did Alana's indiscretions make you feel less a man—emasculated?"

  "Of course. When you can't satisfy a woman and she goes elsewhere for sexual pleasure, it does have a tendency to make one feel like a failure.” Richard flopped an arm over his eyes as if to hide the pain of revelation.

  "Another concept to overhaul. Your former wife didn't seduce other men because you didn't satisfy her. She seduced other men because she couldn't satisfy herself. She was constantly looking for someone to provide that magic elixir to ‘making her happy.’ That could never happen as long as she was unhappy with herself. No one else can make you happy. No one else can sexually satisfy you unless you're emotionally and sexually satisfied with yourself."

  Richard looked
at her a long time, his eyes suddenly burning with recognition—and lust. “Done. Now for the third part."

  "For the third part in your therapy, you can just lay back and relax. You don't have to lift a finger—or a penis for that matter. Guys are under a tremendous amount of pressure to perform—an unfair amount of pressure. Today we turn the tables, or excuse me, the bed.” Erica made tiny circles on his abdomen with her finger.

  Propping his arms behind his head, Richard said, “Well, Erica, I didn't know you owned a rotating bed."

  "There are a lot of things you haven't learned about me yet, Richard Wakefield. The fun is all in the learning,” Erica said, in a breathy voice.

  Erica reached in the drawer of her nightstand and pulled out a vibrator. Stretching out next to him, she asked, “Would you get on your knees at my head so I can stroke you with my tongue?"

  At first he seemed inhibited and uncomfortable, but as she moved her hand up and down his penis, slowly and gently, savoring the tactile sensation of the thin skin under her hand, his whole body relaxed and he let his sexual impulses reign. Erica replaced her hand with her mouth, folding her lips tightly over his penis like a glove-tight vagina.

  Richard closed his eyes and moaned, his automatic impulses taking control. He began to move in the rhythm of her oral ministrations. Erica's salivary glands poured out liquid, frothing as she increased the speed of her suction. Faster and faster she went, feeling his dick harden and expand in response to her actions. Sucking it deeper into her throat and loving the sensation of his expansion, Erica began humming a song.

  Richard shifted his weight to bend one knee over her. His hand kneaded her breast and the fire ignited in her to full flame, an instant conflagration. She didn't ever remember burning like this. She could never recall wanting a man so much that she ached, throbbed, with need in the vortex of her being.

  Turning on her vibrator, she spread her legs and began pumping it to the same rhythm he rammed his cock in her mouth. The sweet sensations of the vibrations and his delightful hardness in her mouth made her suck him harder with more force and desire. She could feel herself readying for her climax and she knew it would be sensational—the lust and need in Richard's eyes would make her explode like a firecracker.